Vollweib sucht Halbtagsmann
Original title: Vollweib sucht Halbtagsmann
Comedy – Germany
Production year: 2001
Movie length: 90 minutes
Director: Helmut Metzger
Writer: Kerstin Oesterlin, Jessica Schellack
Cinematograph: Helge Peyker
Music: Stefan Traub
Vollweib sucht Halbtagsmann
Movie description:
A single mother has a lot of work ahead, when she starts her own catering service. She not only has to manage her buisness but also her son Tobi needs all her attention. She is glad when she finds a new love in the little town she just moved to but life gets in trouble again when her former boyfriend and Tobi’s father returns after ten years.
Boy Actors
Paul Metzger
(Tobi Schröder, 7 years old)
More informations
This film was registered by Ralf-S into the movie list!
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